
Massage with herbal stamps

Are you lacking the vital forces? Do you need regeneration after a hard day, stressful week or busy month?

Put your body in our hands and an aromatic massage with herbal stamps will give you the correct dose of relaxation and energy, as well as gently soothing the nerves. This technique will loosen muscle tension, relieve pain, stimulate the body to regenerate, improve the elimination of toxins and adequately nourish and moisturize your skin. With the warm stamps releasing the aroma and healing properties of herbs, we will provide you with a pleasant relaxation of body and mind.

Massage available with prior reservation.

Masarnia http://www.masarnia-twojmasaz.pl/content/img/logo_1366.png
Morelowa 32 Kraków, PL 30-222
+48 791 990 223 Price Range: $